Art Fusion Portfolios are attractive portfolios with a smart leather look.
This range of portfolios feature a strong mechanism to hold work securely in place. The metal corners protect the external case corners and an internal pocket to keep extra documents handy.
The Art Fusion Portfolio has a smooth running heavy nylon zip.
POA for delivery to outside metro postcodes.
Statewide handles delivery to VIC, NSW and QLD only.
Metro Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane: $90 Ex GST for first 1-3 items then $10 for each additional.
Melbourne or Brisbane CBD @ $110.00 Ex GST for the first 1-3 items then $10 for each additional.
Sydney CBD excluding George Street ( POA ) $130 Ex GST, for the first 1-3 items then $10 for each additional.
Art Fusion Portfolios are attractive portfolios with a smart leather look.
This range of portfolios feature a strong mechanism to hold work securely in place. The metal corners protect the external case corners and an internal pocket to keep extra documents handy.
The Art Fusion Portfolio has a smooth running heavy nylon zip.